
Shotover Country is a new residential area, which includes a primary school, projected 850 pupils, an early childhood centre, and small commercial – retail area, with large recreational reserves and separate pedestrian/cycle ways. The development is located on flat river terraces south of State Highway 6 (Ladies Mile), adjoining the Shotover River and Kawarau River. The site adjoins the western site of Lake Hayes Estate, and is connected by road and pedestrian/cycle access to form a larger residential suburb of Queenstown, approximately the size of Arrowtown.
Shotover Country will add approximately 900 dwelling units of mixed density, of which over 600 have been developed since physical development commenced in October 2012.
Clark Fortune McDonald had been involved with the owners of the property from the beginning of the formulation of the development and prepared and processed a private plan change to achieve the Shotover Country special zone.


Clark Fortune McDonald has project managed all aspects of the Shotover Country development, from resource consents approval to engineering design, supervision, cadastral surveying and contract administration. This process involved the installation of a new water supply system, including bores, treatment and reservoir, which resolved supply problems for the Council in the Lake Hayes area. A new roundabout was designed and constructed on the highway to provide access to Shotover Country.
Shotover Country required in house urban design of roading, allotment layout for varying density of residential housing and multi-unit development. Location of pedestrian/cycleway connections, recreation reserves areas, including a scenic reserve to protect a significant wetland with the site. Location of the primary school site, early childcare centre and neighbourhood retail area.
Design was carried out in compliance with the latest sub divisional standards required by the Council including indented car parking, design to retain a two lane moving carriageway without obstruction, but with reduced design speeds. Vehicle crossing constructed in conjunction with landscape planting within the berms. Reserve improvements including toilet facilities, playground equipment and landscaping provided as part of the subdivision development.
Provision of land to the Queenstown Community Housing trust, to enable the erection of 47 residential housing units within the development.


The development of Shotover Country by landowners unfamiliar with large scale residential development in a short period of time, reflects Clark Fortune McDonald skills and experience in successfully managing a complex process involving relationships with many parties, including the Queenstown Lakes District Council, Otago Regional Council, Civil construction contractors, network utility operators, land sales personnel and purchasers of land within the development.

Track Record

Clark Fortune McDonald has successfully achieved the development and construction of 10 stages of Shotover Country to title stage, with housing constructed on the majority of the sites, in just over three years. Two further stages are sold and under construction, providing for in excess of 600 residential homes. The subdivision was designed and marketed to be affordable to the new entry market, providing a high level of amenity, access to large reserve areas and community facilities such as the primary school which will incorporate a community hall.
The area has been designed with good connections to Lake Hayes Estate so that the two areas will function as one community to be proud of.

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